New Zealand Youth Team 2018-19 – Management Team Applications now open

Climbing New Zealand is seeking applications for positions of Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Manager, Assistant Coach for the New Zealand Youth Sport Climbing Team (NZYT) for 2018/19.

To apply please email a letter stating which position you are applying for and briefly outlining your reasons for applying to:

Full job descriptions are also available on request to this email.

Please note all positions are voluntary (expenses reimbursed), and for a 2-year term subject to review after the World Youth Championships in Canada in August 2018.

Applicants must be available for travel to Canada for the WYCH (competition dates: August 14th – 22nd) though the number of officials travelling with the team will depend on the size of the team selected.

Parents/guardians or any person having a direct family relationship (including relationship partners) to any member of the NZYT will not be considered for any of these positions.

Application closing date: October 24th 2017

Interviews will follow – by Skype or Google Hangouts and we will aim to confirm appointments by early November.

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