Climbing New Zealand is seeking applications for positions of Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Manager, Assistant Coach for the New Zealand Youth Sport Climbing Team (NZYT) for 2018/19.
To apply please email a letter stating which position you are applying for and briefly outlining your reasons for applying to: Â
Full job descriptions are also available on request to this email.
Please note all positions are voluntary (expenses reimbursed), and for a 2-year term subject to review after the World Youth Championships in Canada in August 2018.
Applicants must be available for travel to Canada for the WYCH (competition dates: August 14th – 22nd) though the number of officials travelling with the team will depend on the size of the team selected.
Parents/guardians or any person having a direct family relationship (including relationship partners) to any member of the NZYT will not be considered for any of these positions.
Application closing date: October 24th 2017
Interviews will follow – by Skype or Google Hangouts and we will aim to confirm appointments by early November.